Posts in Category: Photos

Return to the Whip In

You wouldn’t believe how much it has changed!  It’s a straight up beer garden with two music stages, dozens of taps (some of which were brewed in house), countless wine bottles served at a wine bar, and ONE flusher… go figure!

Equinox Eve Sunshine!

I left work early today to take the dog on a bike ride. To celebrate the last day of summer, she dove for rocks in a glacial river.

Ellie Girl

PO Box 3

Yes, I sent a letter to a one digit mailing address today!

New strings at sunset

A portion of the schlep home from house-sitting

A more regal Tiga

Proactive anti-poop yard sign

Evan with our new “sponsored” cat

I’m a self proclaimed dog person… I say she is sponsored because I never wanted a cat, and I’m going to deny that she is “mine” for at least a little longer.  I fed this super skinny kitty the night before we left for vacation to Antigua this summer.  We pulled in the driveway ten days later, and she scurried out from the porch.  We decided to call her Antigua, but have now shortened it to Tiga.  Despite this annoyed look, she is super sweet.

I like cooking with wine, one time I even put it in the food