
Monthly Archives: April 2013

Data Crazy

I went a little data crazy in preparation for my annual portfolio meeting.  I think it’s really interesting to analyze test results… I know how stupid that sounds, but it’s true.

Timers, No Tripod, and Debbie’s Back in Town!

Test Driving – Audi

This SUV was fast!

Swapping the Studs

There is a First for Everything

Kate was 6 weeks old and Evan finally picked her up.  For all of 30 seconds or so.

Empty Bowls – A Fundraising Dinner

As a fund raiser for the local shelter, local artists donate handmade bowls for this event. When you walk in each dinner ticket includes all the soup you can eat and a handmade bowl of your choice.

More Test Driving – Volvo

The Blue Tarp is Our New Garden

We finally went out to see the Community Garden plot that we signed up for. It looks great! Now if this snow would melt…

Corner Store Zombie

While grabbing drinks from my favorite corner store, we ran into a zombie.  He had been doing makeup for a zombie bar crawl and decided to go home early.  I’d like to say “only in Austin…” but I’m sure zombie bar crawls happen all over the country.  Or maybe not.

It’s Snow-globe-ing Again