Posts By Sarah

Quick – Distract Her!


Birthday Balloons for the Birthday Entourage!


Pssst… I’m home


A.) Finally! I never want to keep good news from you again!

B.) Welcome to Texas – here’s a nice gun in the kitchen shot just for kicks.

Washing & Drying Onboard Again


Adam’s dad helped us fix our leak! He MacGyvered it. It was awesome.



Blueberry Peach Pie




I wish I worked for a business that had no regular hours. I’ve been trying to shop local.

National Geographic at Our Fingertips


Two red fishies building their egg nest. There’s a sneaky little camo fish that’s hiding up at about 12’oclock. Can you see him? The interpretive ranger was just explaining how the 2 red fish were about to fertilize her eggs and the camo fish was going to swoop in and try to get a few of his genes past the goalie and then – the nest went cloudy, and the little camo fish swam into the nest. The male red fish drove him off again, and now we’ll never know who the father is.

oops… Gar!


I forgot and posted something else… a squash from our garden that afternoon, ha, ha – I fixed it – This is the one I took on the Phone. Right after this Teeka had her little, might have been PSP, illness episode – that was just fine in the end.

The Baking Marathon Begins


I volunteered to make4 loves of bread and 2 dozen cookies for the bake sale at the community garden. But the 4 grew to be 6 loaves, because I can’t make bread and not give some to Adam. The boat has a toaster oven & a marine range (which I’ve decided is glorified easy bake oven – because it stinks). I took the boys out for pizza, so I could kick them out of the kitchen for the night to work some toaster oven magic.