Monthly Archives: September 2012

Sunday at the hardware store scrap pile

Dinner with Neighbors

Fancy Fast Food Birthday Party

We made savory dishes as well, but I decided to bring our blender to Brian’s birthday party and mixed up some adult Frosties (mudslides).  I think they were a pretty solid hit!


Once his head stops hurting I’ll get him to do it again on a better shutter speed.

South Congress Candy Store

Violets to match the insulation

Shelter from the rain

Late Night Lab Prep


That’s her “Mom, stop!” look

Sky gazing through a puddle at the planetarium!?

I have been wondering where the planetarium was for a very, very long time. They have events in the weekly community paper, and they even have a website! But the web doesn’t list an address and Google didn’t know where it was. We wandered passed it on our morning walk today.