Monthly Archives: February 2013

Evan is Home!

Back from the CA conference.  I’m glad to have my bestie home!

Our cozy corner at the airport

There were several birds stuck in this area of the airport. Staying quiet was a challenge.


Trivia with Brooke, Liz, and Jason at Mister Tramps

Anarchy at the vet’s office

I took her on a long walk to get her calm for the vet’s office staff so she wouldn’t bounce off the walls.  Ms. Tory managed to rile her up in about a matter of seconds. 60 minutes to mellow her out: 6 seconds to wind her up again. Then she was given treats with no trick. To top it off, while I signed my enormous credit card ticket, the front desk guy invited her to jump up on the counter so he could pet her. I told her off, and in a surprised tone he said, “oh, you don’t let her on the counter?” Seriously!? Total dog anarchy in the place. It’ll have to be a bloody emergency to come back here.


Working late, hubby out of town, laundry to do… here is a pretty picture of my evening greens.

Buckwheat crepes for dinner


I thought she missed me, but after careful consideration I think she just missed her bed.

The ghosts in the woods around here

The Fremont Diner

Day 4 – One more fantastic meal in Sonoma before heading home.

Thanking Momma Earth for the blue…

It’s about time for some blue! If it doesn’t stop snowing soon I might have to put the dog down – she’s getting a little crazy.