Monthly Archives: November 2012

Romantic Friday night walk at the airport


To celebrate the recent Toopher success, we decided to have a fancy dinner out with Josh and Kristin.  We loaded up on carbs with a side of carbs.  It was fantastic!

A beautiful night in the neighborhood

I just love the front roof line on this little house.

The Land of Milk and Honey

My center-of-Austin grocery store is constantly packed: dorm resident college students, moms with multiple toddlers on food stamps, yoga pant wearing yuppies, an occasional bearded lady (not a joke).  Anyway, in many ways I love the diversity, but certainly not the crowds.  THIS picture was taken at the new HEB Plus in the burbs.  At 5:10PM.  On a week day.  With empty, wide isles.  And NO LINES!  I’m totally coming back!

The tree shuffle

Almost Uneventful Day

We had an ice cream party after school, but had just enough left over to take home.

Bubbles in the ice

O’Teeka Chula is always trying to get in my photos… she stomped through my ice plate right before this shot. We go out on my breaks at work and crunch through the ice plates by the river. It sounds like glass shattering and it’s a great way to relieve frustrations.

She’s a Lover!

And recovering quite well!

Fresh snow

Drunk Tiga

She couldn’t focus her eyes on anything, but somehow was still purring like crazy and sweet as can be.