Monthly Archives: July 2013

Italian Sunset

July 31With gelato in hand, we watched our last sunset before heading off to Pisa and Sienna.

Old Tree


Corniglia, Italy

July 30This is Corniglia from the other side, in other words, the steps down to the train would be found in the center of town but on the far side as it descends to the coastline.  This picture was taken while on a hike to Vernazza, the town just to the North of Corniglia.  While in Corniglia, we stayed at a bed and breakfast with a couple in their eighties.  Neither of them spoke a word of English, but we had plenty of conversation each morning at breakfast.  They were adamant about taking with us and so sweet!

My Community Garden Doppelgänger Shops at Costco Too!


Do you see the resemblance? This is the very sweet girl that shared her garlic scapes with us & they were awesome!

Italian Riviera

July 29Evan and I stayed in Corniglia, one of the five towns belonging to the region known as Cinque Terre.  This was my favorite region of Italy because of its local charm and warm hospitality.  Here, you can see the roughly 300 steps from the train station leading to the town above.  Notice how the rail line disappears into the mountain before it finally reemerges at the next town seen along the coastline.

A 10 Second Race



July 28Super yachts, fancy cars, and an expensive lunch.  I really didn’t enjoy Monaco much, but then again, we didn’t stick around for long.

Adell, You’re the Icing on My Cake


I did a little cruise ship ally shopping to get my brain churning on what I want in a ring. It’s not something I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about, so it was a little random. I wasn’t very impressed. I found this cute little box, and it reminded me of when we were little and I would trade you my icing for your cake.

French Rivera

July 27 smallerThe pebbly beach in Nice, France seen from a local hilltop.

Dog-Sitting has more to do with Running.
