Monthly Archives: June 2013

Marche Bastille

June 30This Sunday farmer’s market has it all… fruit, flowers, cheese, meat, hot food, some clothing and jewelry.  It was great!

Max and Teeka Met Today


Sainte Chapelle

June 29Sainte Chapelle is a dizzyingly tall, 13th century chapel with 1,100 bible scenes embedded in the enormously tall windows.

Team K Installs New Interior


Mona Evan

June 28We finally made it to the Louvre Museum.  The Mona Lisa is by far the most popular exhibit.  Here, Evan is doing his best Mona.  Notice the intense crowd trying to smash up close to see her.  On the same wall you will find two bold signs warning of pickpocketing.

Sun, Sun, Sun


Laduree Macarons

June 27These are perhaps the most famous macarons in Paris and they are damn good!

Seattle Wanderings


Fresh Cheese. Crazy Broccoli. What the heck is a crumpet? Check out the space station flower in the park. I really want to cook some garlic scapes someday!

“Our Lady” from Behind

June 26Notre Dame is beautiful at night.  And the Seine.  And the city.

