Monthly Archives: March 2013

Easter Lilies

Brooke had a backyard BBQ for Easter.  Somewhere along the way she decided to give Evan one of her creations… and ipad cover, which without an ipad in hand immediately became a picture frame.

Ocean puppies

Sometimes I wish for more than the kit lens. If I didn’t dread regretting big purchases I would probably already have one.

Asleep at the Wheel

Playing hooky

Adam’s at a class all day and I’m enjoying the peace and quiet!

Kate’s Newborn Photos

Kristing asked me to come over and take some newborn pictures of Kate.  It turns out newborns are super unpredictable which made for an interesting time.

It’s that time again

It’s a good time of year to be posting For Sale signs on boats. This seems to be about when people get excited about getting out on the water. It was about a year ago that we fantasized about what it would be like… and you know where that led us.

Dice Galore

We spent the evening at a local game shop because a friend was debuting a game he created.  I can’t imagine the need for this many types of die.

Graffiti artist, turned motivational speaker

Playing with a Borrowed Camera

Evan brought home a 7D from work.  The picture turned out pretty grainy.  Considering I didn’t use a flash and what you see is just the porch and street lights I think the camera is pretty cool!

A sign of spring

No so exciting outside of this place, but spotting the first sprout of Skunk Cabbage is worth telling a friend around here. The return of Skunk Cabbage signifies the snow’s retreat and the rebirth of our landscape. It’s also a queue to the  return of the bears.