Monthly Archives: November 2012

I took this right after we spoke on the phone in the dark, dark snow land.

Tiga Pre-Surgery

Tiga had her lady parts removed.  We decided to bring her in for the night so we didn’t have to catch her before the 8AM appointment.

Mousetrap Competition

These are the beginning and end of the girls team’s winning mousetrap.  Every Saturday after Thanksgiving, most of Evan’s extended family gathers for a game day.  We usually play multiple short games to earn points for a major boys vs. girls game that afternoon and evening.  This year, all the work led up to building a mousetrap out of recycleables that had to be at least 36 inches long, take at least 30 seconds to complete, and have at least 5 tricks (human interactions – turning levers, pulling strings, etc.).  This family takes competitions seriously!

Greeting turtles on the front stoop

Texas Snowball Fight

Max shows off his newly created snowballs (shaving cream and corn starch) before trying to pelt his little sister, Rose.

Rainbow of thread

Thanksgiving at Bastrop State Park

Last fall, a ravenous fire took hold of Bastrop, TX.  We returned for the annual Shane family Thanksgiving weekend to find large burnt sticks in place of the normal lush pine trees.

Gobble Gobble

Buckyballs Used Inappropriately

There is a reason

1) kids should not ingest more than one buckyball (really, I think one is fine, it’s more than one that causes problems)

2) you can’t buy them much longer… lawn darts anyone??

3) we bought a ridiculous amount of them

Tell me when it’s over.

Adam studies field dressing on the web. I watched a little too, and decided large, blonde furred, four legged animals remind me too much of dogs. I could live off of birds, squirrels, and rabbits if I had too.