Posts in Category: Photos

That’s her “Mom, stop!” look

Sky gazing through a puddle at the planetarium!?

I have been wondering where the planetarium was for a very, very long time. They have events in the weekly community paper, and they even have a website! But the web doesn’t list an address and Google didn’t know where it was. We wandered passed it on our morning walk today.

Adam gets organized after being out of town.

Tuesday Night Racquetball with the boys



Ben Folds Five Reunites!


Sale ends yesterday

The sail boats have been stored for the coming winter, and it’s gloomy outside to top it off.

Guess… That… NACHO!!

We were back in San Antonio for an evening… I couldn’t resist my favorite nachos!

Keys Apart

Fiesta Texas

Mom asked if we wanted to go ride roller coasters for free with no lines, we said YES!

Pot Luck

My sweet boyfriend left me a gift sometime before the first of the month – looks like he made me leftovers for dinner and stored them in the oven more than 22 days ago!