Posts in Category: Photos

Not only leaves are falling :(

Highbush cranberry picking day

Homeslice TWICE in one week!!

This time with Josh, Kristin and the SUPER cute Kate!

Dog fight!

Quiet Friday Night with Brian and Christa

All remaining wisdom

Sorry for the ick-factor, but here’s the explanation of today’s image. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed because one of them was impacted. The good news was that the hole that the impacted tooth came out of was supposed to heal up the fastest. It hurt the most. It hurt so bad I went back in because I thought I had dry socket. 16 weeks later to the day (that’s 3.5 months!) I pulled this out of the hole in my jaw with some tweezers.

Classroom Projector!!

I finally have a mounted classroom projector!!!  It’s super bright, clear, and beautiful.  This is a photo that I included in my introduction/classroom expectations powerpoint at the beginning of the year.  The kids wanted to see it on the new projector and now it’s bright enough that we can actually see Sarah’s face!

Spooky late night walk on Sandy Beach

Homeslice with Seth and Andrea

The Wetlands!