Posts in Category: Photos

Postal love – one expected & one surprise

Queen Tiga

With the colder weather, we have been bringing Tiga in at night.  She REALLY prefers to be indoors, but tough titty said the kitty (or the kitty’s parents), she is going back outside.

Retracing your steps.

Lost my leash yesterday in my rye fascination, and retraced my tracks in the snow today. Found it.

We’re Finally Home!

I think this is wild beach rye

Didn’t know we had wild beach rye until I recently read that these plants grew a lot of fungus this summer. Ergot fungus, the kind that they suspect fueled the hallucinations during the Salem witch trials. So, um, don’t eat it, and stuff.

Max Levitates Objects

Using the power of thought (or a complex interpretation of facial muscles), you can change the speed on a fan, which allows this little blue ball to change height and travel through different challenge courses.  It’s a pretty sweet, new Christmas toy.

More of the mystery

The birds eat these and I think they are mysterious and beautiful skeletons.

Evan and Maddie

Maddie is Hans’ youngest and she is super adorable!

Card-your-mom Banana Raisin Bread (& Mimosa)

Henry Rings in the New Year

Henry is female, by the way.  A SUPER cute, wrinkly, loving English Bulldog.