Posts in Category: Photos

Toopher HQ

They are expanding to three offices and a conference room, so I went up to help assemble IKEA chairs.  I love the dry erase wall… I can’t decipher the code, but I love the wall nonetheless.

He’s home!

Adam’s been gone for a few weeks and I took the day off to pick him up from the airport and fart around. Notice the newspaper rack at our breakfast restaurant. I really liked it!

Dillon is a Rockstar Drummer

Well, maybe someday he will be.  We also taught him to wail on a guitar while rockin out with his tongue out.  He’s pretty cute!

Glassy harbor night

Today, Work Was a Bit Cellish

The first day after break was painful… long, crazy, painful

Plow it into the ocean

I sometimes wonder where cities put snow when it starts to pile up and no melting temps are in sight. This is one solution for Juneau. Plow it into the ocean.

Winter walking

I know she’s tired enough when I find her in my footsteps

Ellie Monster

Mad house at this unofficial dog park

Favorite Food with Favorite People

We finally got together at the ranch for some fried venison, mashed potatoes, peas, and delicious wine.  Oh so good!