Posts By Sarah


New rugs to play on!

(PS, thanks Santa for the gift card)

To throw a serious snow ball,

Try not to make it so big you can’t roll it anymore. And if you do, break it into pieces with a Suburu and toss it off the loading dock at low tide to dispose of the evidence.

Banana bran

At last

I’m almost out of dog food, but I’m not worried because, as of today, I have my own warehouse store membership. Now I don’t have to coordinate with my man friend for food runs.

He’s home!

Adam’s been gone for a few weeks and I took the day off to pick him up from the airport and fart around. Notice the newspaper rack at our breakfast restaurant. I really liked it!

Glassy harbor night

Plow it into the ocean

I sometimes wonder where cities put snow when it starts to pile up and no melting temps are in sight. This is one solution for Juneau. Plow it into the ocean.

Winter walking

I know she’s tired enough when I find her in my footsteps

Mad house at this unofficial dog park