Posts By Sarah

The Future Holds Blueberries

…so why’s it all pink?

Retiring My Shoes

I’ve always have a hard time parting with my shoes. I guess I start thinking about all the places they’ve taken me and I start feeling sentimental. This pair was purchased in Austin and then jumped a plane to Guatemala. That was over 4 years ago. Just imagine all the stuff between then and now! Today it’s time – I’ll keep a photo and let go of the treadles trash.

Another Breaker Box

We braced ourselves for a costly repair when our water pump quit. As it turns out, there are 3! breaker boxes on this boat. I love when it’s a simple fix!

Day 2 – Internal Crazy

This doesn’t really look that crazy here, but this was a wild day.

Day 1 – External Crazy

This doesn’t really look that crazy here, but this was a wild day.

When a Bird Hits the Glass

Diana took this awesome photo on her iphone… sorry it’s hard to see here. A bird flew into her front window and when she looked out the glass she realized it was 2. A hawk & another little bird were both stunned. They both lived through the incident.


I laughed when I saw this pickup truck hauling this big float plane. I know it’s not too heavy, but it still looks funny. By the way, Aunt TJ – this is one of the planes in the fleet that will take us on our tour.

This View

I’ve been meaning to take a picture from this spot that I drive by a lot. I never bother to pull over for it, so today I did.

Something Fell Off

Hey Adell, do you remember the days when we drove old cars & ever bump in the road sparked worries that something would fall off? Apparently that happened to someone recently. I found a trail of rusted out brake parts along the sidewalk this morning.