Posts By Sarah

Maggie’s Farm

It looks like Maggie’s Farm is headed back into the water again soon. I’ve walked by this dry docked boat all winter wondering… Did they sell Maggie’s farm to buy a boat? Or, are they working at sea to save for Maggie’s Farm?

Delightful Dinner at Diana’s House

Not Much of a View Today

We went up the Blueberry Trail… helicopter pad and a radio tower. The rain persists.

Timers, No Tripod, and Debbie’s Back in Town!

Swapping the Studs

Empty Bowls – A Fundraising Dinner

As a fund raiser for the local shelter, local artists donate handmade bowls for this event. When you walk in each dinner ticket includes all the soup you can eat and a handmade bowl of your choice.

The Blue Tarp is Our New Garden

We finally went out to see the Community Garden plot that we signed up for. It looks great! Now if this snow would melt…

It’s Snow-globe-ing Again

Spoiler Alert… Back Away From Your Dinner

Yesterday we were walking and I heard a noise best described as a terrible animal shriek. Teeka came wandering out of the brush with something sticking out of her face. I thought for sure she had found her first porcupine, until she got a little closer and I realized the noise I heard definitely came from her. She ran into a twig and had a piece of it stuck in her eye under her eyelid. It didn’t look like it punctured the eye ball, so I pulled it out and it was irritated. Thankfully a little rest and it’s clearing up quickly. Left was yesterday, right is today…  Phew!