Quick – Distract Her!



  1. Reply
    Adell September 24, 2013

    I love Adam’s straight face while receiving a manly kiss!

  2. Reply
    Mom September 25, 2013

    I think Adell is growling at anyone who touches her cake, or was that my wine?

  3. Reply
    Sarah September 25, 2013

    I’m pretty sure she was defending her coveted cake that you made Mom. The crowd was getting antsy – We all wanted a bite!

  4. Reply
    Adam September 26, 2013

    You’re a lucky woman Adell, that Evan has soft lips:-)

  5. Reply
    Adell September 29, 2013

    Adam – I am a lucky lady!

    Mom and Sarah – BBB was about to attack the cake… it needed some defense.

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