All remaining wisdom

Sorry for the ick-factor, but here’s the explanation of today’s image. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed because one of them was impacted. The good news was that the hole that the impacted tooth came out of was supposed to heal up the fastest. It hurt the most. It hurt so bad I went back in because I thought I had dry socket. 16 weeks later to the day (that’s 3.5 months!) I pulled this out of the hole in my jaw with some tweezers.


  1. Reply
    Adell January 8, 2013

    I never asked… what WAS it?

  2. Reply
    Sarah January 8, 2013

    I think it’s a piece of shattered tooth that wasn’t cleaned out by the doctor during the procedure.

  3. Reply
    Uncle Kevin January 14, 2013

    Catching up on your wonderful blog [sigh . . . finally]. I was afraid the dentist left a dime in your tooth socket!

    • Reply
      Adell January 23, 2013

      Yikes!! THAT would be scary!

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