THE Macallan

Brooke, Brian, Christa, Evan, and I signed up for a free single malt scotch tasting.  I’ll have to tell you more about it but in short it was weird, pretentious, and Vegas like.

The Future Holds Blueberries

…so why’s it all pink?

Night of Sniffles

Retiring My Shoes

I’ve always have a hard time parting with my shoes. I guess I start thinking about all the places they’ve taken me and I start feeling sentimental. This pair was purchased in Austin and then jumped a plane to Guatemala. That was over 4 years ago. Just imagine all the stuff between then and now! Today it’s time – I’ll keep a photo and let go of the treadles trash.

San Antonio Friends

Freeman and Allison worked at SwRI with Evan.  They came to town for a conference, which gave us a great opportunity to catch up.

Another Breaker Box

We braced ourselves for a costly repair when our water pump quit. As it turns out, there are 3! breaker boxes on this boat. I love when it’s a simple fix!

House Flowers

Fresh flowers in the house are always so nice!

Day 2 – Internal Crazy

This doesn’t really look that crazy here, but this was a wild day.

Baby Kate

We had friends over and I’m so pleased that Drew, Kristine, and Kate came to party, too!

Day 1 – External Crazy

This doesn’t really look that crazy here, but this was a wild day.