Posts in Category: Photos

First Frosty Morning

Sorry for the poor quality picture.  Evan left for China and took *my* camera, so I only have my crappy phone camera.

Coffee Grinder Race – Old: 51 seconds vs. New: 6 seconds

I should have bought a new coffee grinder years ago. Think of all the minutes I’ve wasted!

Missing Dad

Evan left yesterday for China.  In truth, Ellie is depressed from her steroids, but I’m feeling roughly the same today.

Spent some time cleaning the windows and cobwebs on a ladder & couldn’t resist

Work Christmas Party

Teachers sure do like to let loose!

Why don’t you just make yourself comfortable?

Happy Birthday Brian!

Spay day – Before & After

Blurry Band Concert

I took lovely pictures of my students’ first band concert, but recently realized I should not post photos of children without permission.  Anyway, I didn’t take any other photos today, so here is a blurified version.  They played wonderfully!

Snow berm in my office parking lot

How do they get it so tall?