Posts in Category: Photos

Carrot Haul

If you look close enough you’ll see that Dad is covered in garage grease AND garden dirt!!  By the way, the carrots are plentiful.  We probably only pulled out 1/20th of his carrot crop.

Maggie’s Farm

It looks like Maggie’s Farm is headed back into the water again soon. I’ve walked by this dry docked boat all winter wondering… Did they sell Maggie’s farm to buy a boat? Or, are they working at sea to save for Maggie’s Farm?

Esther’s Follies

My first time at Esther’s Follies on 6th street… and we had free tickets because Liz knows a cast member.  We had a great time!

Delightful Dinner at Diana’s House

Another Cold Front

The temperature dropped dramatically AGAIN!!  Low of 40 something in May!

Not Much of a View Today

We went up the Blueberry Trail… helicopter pad and a radio tower. The rain persists.

Tickets Purchased!!

We have nailed down arrival and departure dates and purchased tickets for our summer in Europe.  Flight into Paris and out of Rome!  I’m so excited!!

Torrential Downpour, Meet My Waterproof Point and Shoot

Data Crazy

I went a little data crazy in preparation for my annual portfolio meeting.  I think it’s really interesting to analyze test results… I know how stupid that sounds, but it’s true.

Timers, No Tripod, and Debbie’s Back in Town!