Posts By Sarah



I crashed on the dock. Probably shouldn’t have been riding my bike there anyway.

460 of 736


Spending tonight updating my photos, meanwhile I found a treasure by Adam. I’ll love looking back at this someday.

Old Tree


My Community Garden Doppelgänger Shops at Costco Too!


Do you see the resemblance? This is the very sweet girl that shared her garlic scapes with us & they were awesome!

A 10 Second Race


Adell, You’re the Icing on My Cake


I did a little cruise ship ally shopping to get my brain churning on what I want in a ring. It’s not something I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about, so it was a little random. I wasn’t very impressed. I found this cute little box, and it reminded me of when we were little and I would trade you my icing for your cake.

Dog-Sitting has more to do with Running.


Food Cart Friday


Ends in Specialty Cupcakes and Ribs. Yum, Black Berry Crumble Cupcake! This was seconds.

Lunch with Garden Greens


A Rare Rain


It’s been absolutely beautiful & dry lately. This drizzle on the grass was a reminder of the way it can be around here & how long we’ve been under the influence of sunshine!