Monthly Archives: August 2013

Mystery Mushrooms



Aug 6While in Sorrento, we found a gelato making class… in english!

Green Moss, Everywhere



Aug 5The culprit, Mt. Vesuvius, looms in the background.

Our Dill is Getting Pretty Old


Yet Another Train

Aug 4We were traveling such distances that a train day usually took the better part of the day… 8-10 hours for door to door travel.  I learned I would rather stay put if the location had enough to entertain us.

I Feel Like POOP


Swelling is going down, neck pain persisting, my sternum aches, and I’m finding bruises and bumps all over. Adam made me food & all I did today was read.

Burnt Sienna

Aug 3This was the view from our apartment in Sienna, Italy.  It’s a little hard to make out, but it is overlooking Piazza del Campo, the central piazza in town.  The location was amazing!

The local stone coloring is where the name burnt Sienna comes from.



I crashed on the dock. Probably shouldn’t have been riding my bike there anyway.

Far From Vegan

Aug 2We read about this restaurant that would do fresh cuts of homemade deli meats and cheeses… it turned out to be a straight up meat market.  They loaned us glasses and set us up outside on barrels while we stood in the street because there simply isn’t enough room inside.  Evan and I had a fabulously gluttonous time eating while watching passersby react to the place.  The restaurant looked fairly eclectic and smelled of meat, but other than that I’m not quiet sure what everyone was so intrigued about.  Near the end of our meal, a man mistook our food for samples set out by the restaurant.  He reached into our bag of bread, took a piece and was about to dip it in olive oil when he finally noticed my shocked face.  I didn’t know how to tell him in Italian that it was our lunch, but as he set the piece of bread back down he said “sorry, excuse me” in ENGLISH!  I should have known!