Monthly Archives: May 2013

A Mimosa-ed Clara

May 11

Green House


We built little green houses to keep our dirt a little warmer and too keep them from getting flooded by the rainforest. I think we’re ready to plant now.

Dixie Chicken

May 10We went to Bryan/College Station for the weekend.  Evan, Clara, Lizzie, PJ, and I went out to a few bars including the Dixie Chicken where 42 is encouraged.

Rode to the Snow Line


Contigo Date

May 9We finally made it to Contigo, a newish restaurant down the road from us.

Returning Our Toys


This girl is worth her weight in balls! Teeka finds a lot of balls, which is great because if they magically appear, I don’t have to buy them. This time it was behind the baseball practice field, so we took it back to the kids.

Teacher Appreciation Week

May 8Chipotle did a buy one get one free thing for teacher appreciation week.  We went at almost 9:00 and the line was out the door.  Who knew so many teachers were cheap?

Setting Up for the Summer


The little sailboats are being set up again today.


May 7

Pack Rat


I was tempted to bring this little soap dish size piece of drift wood home with me, but decide to take a photo instead of pack-ratting it.