Monthly Archives: May 2013

Driving in the Garden

May 26Dillon wasn’t so interested in harvesting produce.

Found a Space for the Sewing Machine


Single Ladies

May 25Brooke had a BBQ with a lip syncing contest as entertainment.  Evan rocked it with his rendition of Beyonce’s Single Ladies.

That’s What a UV Filter is For?!


Teeka was roughhousing with another dog in an empty parking lot and they slammed into my shins at full force – Hit me so hard my feet literally flew back out from under me. I landed on my wrists & face down. It was unbelievable… My shoulders were on the spot that my feet stood moments before. My camera landed face first too. I was stunned for a moment, and somehow the camera lives to tell the tale.


May 24Evan and I went to check on Liz’s cat while she was out of town.  He insists on making me nervous by parking in their super sloped driveway.

Play With Your Food – Mr. Dragon


New Timbuk2 Camera Bag

May 23

New (used) Chairs


I love Freecycle!

Carrizo Citrus

May 22Aunt Barbara gave me a volunteer citrus plant more than 3 years ago.  It had not sprouted new leaves in maybe a year, but I finally gave it more sun, wiped the spider webs away, and fed it.  I still don’t know what kind of citrus tree it is, but I’m hoping for tangerine.

Sandal Time!
