Monthly Archives: April 2013

Kitchen Barbershop

Something Fell Off

Hey Adell, do you remember the days when we drove old cars & ever bump in the road sparked worries that something would fall off? Apparently that happened to someone recently. I found a trail of rusted out brake parts along the sidewalk this morning.

Freshly Cut Lawn

I walked out to take a picture after hours of yard work and Tiga couldn’t help but pose.

Here, I found you this rock

Kate and Cake

New Game

See who can find the Herron first. If she wins, she finds it first, it squawks and takes off. If I win, I distract her until we’re past it. Do you see it?

Minnie Mouse Cake Assembly

More Folking, Live

Cake Materials

Folking Radio

It’s folk festival week and we’re too lazy to walk downtown… or judging by Adam’s jacket, maybe it’s too cold to want to go out. They air the week-long festival on public radio, so no need to leave the house!