Monthly Archives: February 2013

My new weakness

Late Night Shenanigans

Five-o-clock dark

Looking through the headrest of my car out Teeka’s foggy window right after work.

Geeks Who Drink

The jade lives again

This jade plant was my valentines present last year. I almost killed it, and as they started to croak from the bottom up, I did an emergency transplant of the tips. They finally have little sprouts at the top!

Tennis Night

Still sparkling

House-sitting again. We helped do a deep clean at this house right before we left. We’re back again and it’s still looking shinny.

Finally Clean

Black cloth seats + grey dog = disgusting back seat

Evan is driving to work now, and his car was totally trashed.  We tried and tried on our own, but finally broke down and took it to a professional.

“A map of the world that does not include Utopia…

is not worth even glancing at…”

Ellie in all her Great-ness