Monthly Archives: January 2013

Evan is a Master of Science

It came, it came, it finally came!!  We were talking just the other night that it was a little unclear as to whether or not he actually graduated… I guess he did!  Congrats Evan!!

Banana bran

GIRRRRL! You Fine!!

Evan, Brian, and I went to East 6th tonight and this little dude stole my heart!

At last

I’m almost out of dog food, but I’m not worried because, as of today, I have my own warehouse store membership. Now I don’t have to coordinate with my man friend for food runs.

Toopher HQ

They are expanding to three offices and a conference room, so I went up to help assemble IKEA chairs.  I love the dry erase wall… I can’t decipher the code, but I love the wall nonetheless.

He’s home!

Adam’s been gone for a few weeks and I took the day off to pick him up from the airport and fart around. Notice the newspaper rack at our breakfast restaurant. I really liked it!

Dillon is a Rockstar Drummer

Well, maybe someday he will be.  We also taught him to wail on a guitar while rockin out with his tongue out.  He’s pretty cute!

Glassy harbor night

Today, Work Was a Bit Cellish

The first day after break was painful… long, crazy, painful

Plow it into the ocean

I sometimes wonder where cities put snow when it starts to pile up and no melting temps are in sight. This is one solution for Juneau. Plow it into the ocean.