Monthly Archives: January 2013

The Shop

Brooke and I spent a girl’s day together at the hardware store and then the shop.  At one point we were asked if we had children, so naturally we followed by calling one another “honey” and “sweetheart”.  By the way, I was working on painting the soon to be Toopher sign (foreground), which Brooke will then CNC (background) with the company logo.

A wingman & a rice-crispy dream come true

We went out Saturday night, and Teeka volunteered to be Mark’s wingman. You know, draw in the ladies with her cuteness! Mark ended up being Teeka’s wingman by pointing out a sidewalk score. The biggest Rice-crispy treat on the block (or it was 2 seconds ago).

Super Granola

A new, super granola store named “in.gredients” opened up in our neighborhood.  They mainly have local and organic bulk items, but I thought the homemade looking soaps were too funny!  Where am I, Portlandia?!?

This is a BIG deal!

Please notice how the dinner plate fits in the sink. We now have a full sized kitchen sink and a faucet that’s not made of plastic!

Almost Full

The moon was ridiculous tonight and I really wanted to capture it.  Turns out to be quite difficult.  This was the first time I manually adjusted the aperture, shutter speed, and focal length all at one time.  I love that a few stars showed up in the photo.

Family portrait night & a new year’s celebration

Reclaiming the Fridge

I love my friends and family, but it’s time to say goodbye to the holidays.

Can you tell the difference?

Writing on the Wall

The boys need dry erase boards at the Toopher offices, so Evan and I spent a few hours installing a wallpaper like solution.  This was just one of three 20 foot sections.


Caught myself super dorking with a spreadsheet tonight.