Monthly Archives: December 2012

Blurry Band Concert

I took lovely pictures of my students’ first band concert, but recently realized I should not post photos of children without permission.  Anyway, I didn’t take any other photos today, so here is a blurified version.  They played wonderfully!

Snow berm in my office parking lot

How do they get it so tall?

RBall, then Dinner at 10

Stayed up WAY too late

And you call yourself a Labrador?

We heard a strange noise from the water dish area this evening. It sounded almost like running water. I decided to keep a close eye on the dog since I saw some food remnants in the water dish & suspected she might have puked a little. I never imagined a dog who refuses to swim doing this for fun…

DSCF1547 – Copy.AVI

2012-12-05-DSCF1548.AVI – Copy


12 Hour Day + Homework

Warm apple empanadas

Downtown Art Deco

Still housesitting & I found some “Rules” on the fridge

1. Stay on the job.

2. Don’t eat much.

3. Kill the enemies.

4. Mind the boss.

5. Don’t kill any of your own men.

6. Don’t fool around.

Our Front Porch Guard is Back

Mama Earth’s snow cone shop