Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Gift… of Bacon

Evan’s not an adventurous eater and was eating close to nothing while in China.  I was going for an all American food… bacon seemed fairly appropriate.

Gnomes & clover at Nikki’s housse

Family Photo Shoot

Brian, Christa, and Carmen needed Christmas card pictures.  We had a wonderful morning on S. Congress.

Icicle lights on a sail boat

Gas Rescue

A family member (who will remain unnamed) needed a late night gas rescue.  I, fortunately, was unoccupied at 10PM on a Friday.

Honeycomb Barnacles

Happy Holidays Willie

Louis CK played the Moody Theater.  I wish 1) I could have taken a picture of Louis CK during the show and 2) We would have been close enough to see him in the picture.  Photos and proximity aside, the show was lovely.

Tub game success!

Jumping in the tub is a game now. This happened today – spontaneously. We’ve come a long way from my chasing her up the harbor ramp covered in suds and carrying her in my arms all the way back to the hose!

Girl’s Night in with Kristine

It’s 12.12.12 @ 12:12