Monthly Archives: December 2012

Lost and found

Someone lost this on the trail and it’s been hanging on this tree for a few days without claim, until…

New Toy

A true gift – Running Water!

Had a quiet day off. I was struggling with the frozen faucet the past few days, and the goal of the day was simple, to get the tanks filled.

Dillon Adventures

While four generations hung out in a small rehab/retirement center room, Dillon kept us entertained.  He decided to roll a car down his back and we quickly made a game of predicting which leg it would come out of.  Okay, kids are cute!  Says the teacher reluctantly.

Relaxing after a delicious duck dinner with Aaron & Jenny.

Note the dually cozy faux fires (I made her lay there, she was understandably confused).

Christmas Eve Lazyness

Orange-topus, Nooo….

Orange octopus got hungry

Riverwalk with Mike and Anna

They have been together for something like 7 years, and this was their first Christmas together.  I’m so glad to have spent time with them and had a blast hunting Gingerbread Martinis on the Riverwalk.  We got close, but were lucky enough to venture over to SOHO Martini Bar… it was amazing and I really look forward to going back!

Christmas Weekend With Mom

Getting started early!

Here comes the sun!

…well, eventually it’ll be back