Monthly Archives: November 2012

Noonday Bracelet(s)

Happy Birthday Oma.

She gave me this necklace and I love being reminded of her her when I wear it. Every time the clasp comes forward I make a happy wish for her.

Texas Capitol

Racing stripes?

Ellie’s bum ear

Ellie has been suffering from a hematoma for weeks now.  The vet thinks it’s because she shakes her head all the time, but she has done that since she was a puppy.  Anyway, Blood Ear (the dog formally known as Ellie) is slowly recovering.

Brief Cart Rides

New yard lights

AND a super clean and well organized garage!!

Party of four for dinner in our little boat

Cleaning and Organizing

I feel like I have been nagging Evan for years to clean out the garage with me, and finally he approached me about it.  We, of course, had to buy a tool chest.  Side note, notice Tiga is never far.

Suicidal Starfish

This big guy must have been on the piling as the tide went out.