Monthly Archives: October 2012

New Shoes!


I’ve been anxiously checking for a package from my aunt, and when we walked to the post office today we tried to spoof a photo that I took last year of her. We must have conjured the box, because it arrived today!

Dinner and Light Installation at Liz’s

Little miss-adventure


self-portrait with friend

Quick Dinner at El Chilito

I love living so close to great restaurants!

On our walk today

A mysterious treasure & a kayak adventure

The neighbor found this on their boat this morning. It looked like some creature left an offering. Later that day, Adam was kind enough to memorialize my kayak adventure. Screwing boards into the skeleton of our shelter, over an unforgiving ocean, with a borrowed drill is slightly stressful from a wobbly kayak.

Luke and Amanda

We went to College Station for Clara’s ring dunk, but I didn’t get any good pictures of the event.  Sunday morning (after Luke recovered from his first college party) we went to brunch together.