Posts By Adell

Regina Spektor

I love that fantastic musicians come to town!  I love even more that this venue is less than 2 miles from our house!

These rolls are amazing!

Anna has a thing for the rolls at Texas Roadhouse

Mike and Anna

Mike and Anna were married earlier this summer in Ohio, but also wanted to have a Texas reception.  I LOVE that Anna wore her wedding dress!

Family, Music, Food, and Drink at Cherrywood

Clara was in town for a conference (so was Amanda, she joined us later) and we went to dinner at our local coffeehouse, Cherrywood.  This was by far the best band I have seen play there… apparently I like folky music.

Halloween Cookie

Some days, I REALLY like teaching 6th graders… especially when homemade treats are involved!

Halloween Dinner at Brian and Christa’s

Pimp Clara was in town, so she joined us at Brian and Christa’s new place.  One might ask what is in Brian’s nose; they are scary green halloween fingers.  Those boys are two peas in a pod!

Liz and Sophie on a Pre-Dinner/Movie Walk

Last One in the Lot… by Far!

November Peppers

Dad’s garden is still producing in November.  There are many reasons I do love Texas, this being one of them.  I also brought home green tomatoes to fry… they were pretty good!

Cooking Class with Mom

Delicious, delicious food!