Posts By Adell


We joined some friends for trivia night at Nomad, one of my favorite local bars.  They apparently think their zip is something special.

Cold Front

The blue fuzzy pants were out for what I thought would be the last cold night of the spring.  I was wrong.

I LOVE a Good Thunderstorm

Fresh Greens from Dad’s Garden

Easter Lilies

Brooke had a backyard BBQ for Easter.  Somewhere along the way she decided to give Evan one of her creations… and ipad cover, which without an ipad in hand immediately became a picture frame.

Asleep at the Wheel

Kate’s Newborn Photos

Kristing asked me to come over and take some newborn pictures of Kate.  It turns out newborns are super unpredictable which made for an interesting time.

Dice Galore

We spent the evening at a local game shop because a friend was debuting a game he created.  I can’t imagine the need for this many types of die.

Playing with a Borrowed Camera

Evan brought home a 7D from work.  The picture turned out pretty grainy.  Considering I didn’t use a flash and what you see is just the porch and street lights I think the camera is pretty cool!


A student’s family owns a 10ish pound meteorite and brought it to school.  I love that my kids got to hold something from space!!