House sitting again with cats – this one is WILD. You can’t touch it. It doesn’t have a name. But it lives under the house, it’s fed twice a day, and in its own way it’s loved. My sister might say this cat is “sponsored.”
What do you do when it nears freezing temps and rains for days on end? Find some good friends and go outside before the light disappears.
Diana and I canceled an overnight trip due to not so good motivation in the downpour, but still managed a hike. Found this shell along the way and wished for a sunny day of skeet at the ranch.
I’m so thankful to step out of the cold rain and into this shelter. This is the view from the inside of our winter cover tonight.
The neighbor found this on their boat this morning. It looked like some creature left an offering. Later that day, Adam was kind enough to memorialize my kayak adventure. Screwing boards into the skeleton of our shelter, over an unforgiving ocean, with a borrowed drill is slightly stressful from a wobbly kayak.