Brian, Christa, and Carmen needed Christmas card pictures. We had a wonderful morning on S. Congress.
A family member (who will remain unnamed) needed a late night gas rescue. I, fortunately, was unoccupied at 10PM on a Friday.
Louis CK played the Moody Theater. I wish 1) I could have taken a picture of Louis CK during the show and 2) We would have been close enough to see him in the picture. Photos and proximity aside, the show was lovely.
Sorry for the poor quality picture. Evan left for China and took *my* camera, so I only have my crappy phone camera.
Evan left yesterday for China. In truth, Ellie is depressed from her steroids, but I’m feeling roughly the same today.
I took lovely pictures of my students’ first band concert, but recently realized I should not post photos of children without permission. Anyway, I didn’t take any other photos today, so here is a blurified version. They played wonderfully!