Lazy Movie Night


Up toward the Salmon Creek Reservoir today

Can’t believe I’ve never made it up here. Notice how someone likes to sneak into the corners of my shots when I least expect it.

Evan and Kate

After Kristin’s birthday dinner at Chuy’s

Exploring his options

Farm Weekend

Brian’s family owns a farm in East Texas that has been vacant for something like 30 years.  We had a great time relaxing, shooting, eating, sitting fireside, and just being lazy in general.

Montana Creek from the bridge

Suddenly it occurred to me that Montana is not just a big square state that I’ve never been to, it’s also a woman’s name.

4 Dudes and a Girl

Jason and Ken were in from out of town and Andrea was out of town, so I somehow found myself at dinner and Pinballz with four boys.  How we all fit in the photo booth is a mystery.

Boys and Girls enjoying the woods

This Was Our Recycle Bin

The main casualty of the yard incident.  The city gave us a new bin and hasn’t charged us yet… we’ll see if they do.