Found a new beach to roam on


We joined some friends for trivia night at Nomad, one of my favorite local bars.  They apparently think their zip is something special.

Alternative Energy

Long story short, I was asked to make a flyer for work because they liked something I made a long time ago. I wanted to use a photo of a windmill for it, and I had been waiting for some blue sky combined with a time I could wander off for weeks. Today was my day.

Cold Front

The blue fuzzy pants were out for what I thought would be the last cold night of the spring.  I was wrong.

My default bachelorette dinner with a guest

House-sitting solo, but Adam came over for dinner tonight. It’s fun to live alone for a few days – that is, if you don’t count the dog, 2 house cats, 1 wild outside kitty & a flock of chirping forest creatures in the trees.

I LOVE a Good Thunderstorm


Fresh Greens from Dad’s Garden

Easter Lilies

Brooke had a backyard BBQ for Easter.  Somewhere along the way she decided to give Evan one of her creations… and ipad cover, which without an ipad in hand immediately became a picture frame.

Ocean puppies

Sometimes I wish for more than the kit lens. If I didn’t dread regretting big purchases I would probably already have one.