Dinner at Travis Lake

Brian, Christa, Evan, and I decided to grab dinner and eat on the shore of Travis Lake.  We barely made it by sundown, just to figure out we weren’t given any silverware.  Beans, coleslaw, and potato salad were all consumed while scooping with plastic lids and fingers.  We all enjoyed ourselves!

When a Bird Hits the Glass

Diana took this awesome photo on her iphone… sorry it’s hard to see here. A bird flew into her front window and when she looked out the glass she realized it was 2. A hawk & another little bird were both stunned. They both lived through the incident.

Thanks Mom

Thanks for the grip pad


I laughed when I saw this pickup truck hauling this big float plane. I know it’s not too heavy, but it still looks funny. By the way, Aunt TJ – this is one of the planes in the fleet that will take us on our tour.


We have been playing a little tennis since Evan graduated and we no longer have access to the racquetball courts.

This View

I’ve been meaning to take a picture from this spot that I drive by a lot. I never bother to pull over for it, so today I did.

Garden Roses

Cherry picking the best slice was just taken to a whole new level

Kitchen Barbershop

Something Fell Off

Hey Adell, do you remember the days when we drove old cars & ever bump in the road sparked worries that something would fall off? Apparently that happened to someone recently. I found a trail of rusted out brake parts along the sidewalk this morning.