Monthly Archives: May 2013

New Air Compressor

May 21

Does this Plant Look Familiar?


New Roasting Pan

May 20I know this picture looks like a big tube of hairball, but it’s actually a delicious tube of pork tenderloin with sage, dijon mustard, and salt and pepper.

Up the Mast at Murph’s Floterhome


This boat floats right behind us. I love how the little boat’s always flooding with rain water – it’s sort of my unofficial rain gauge.

Barton Springs Beauties

May 19

Lookin’ Out My Back Door


Drew’s Graduation Celebration

May 18After 5 years of grad school, Drew is finally done.

It’s Always a Little Backstage Here


I was enjoying the dynamic of the chaired auditorium and dance floor combination at the Booker T Jones show tonight. Concerts can be so oddly formal feeling with the chairs. In part because the larger venue is more of a convention center than bar. But then again, there’s the awesome informality. Looking back through my images, I realized I know 3 people in this shot.

Good Friend Casey

May 17Brian’s college friend, Casey, came to town for the weekend from Portland.  We went on a booze walk and ended up chatting on the Lamar pedestrian bridge while listening to the homeless guitar players.  It was lovely!

